I've been writing stories and books for several years now, probably since Triston was born. And he is 13 now. But, getting them published is so much more difficult. The first one, I am a Positive Child, was self-published in 2007, 3 years ago, and has sold a whopping...are you ready?...88 copies. Disappointing. But it is kinda my own fault. I paid to publish it but just did not want to pay them more money to market it for me. I thought I could do it alone. Plus, I really didn't have the money to do that. So, here I am, 3 years later and not even 100 copies sold.
Just this February, I was looking for a Spanish document for school, and came across another little story I had written in 2009. I read it out loud to Jamison and he couldn't believe it. He said, "Wow, that's good. You really need to look into publishing that." So, I did. I found a Christian publisher that sounded really good online. But, they require an author's investment of $4000...if you are chosen. I uploaded my document and sent it in, not really giving it any more thought. Then, about 4 weeks later, I received an email from a representative wanting to know more about my story, why I wrote it, who my target audience would be, etc. Now my wheels were turning. What if I get this major company to publish my book? Where will I get the $4000? Could I be the writer I've dreamed of being?
I answered the questions in a reply email and began to pray, every night. The news came while I was at school. Jamison sent me an email at work that stated UPS had just delivered a contract to my door. I was exstatic! But also scared. Again, the $4000 is still haunting me. After reading the contract, I had 10 days to return it, signed, with the author investment. I had questions, so I emailed the rep that had contacted me several times. Great news. They have a payment plan. So, I wrote a $500 check, signed the contract and dropped it in the UPS box the next morning. Whew!
Now, I am still paying on that author investment. The conflict comes from having to choose paying bills, buying food for the family or pay a little on my author investment so my book can move to the production stage. Easy to write, hard to find a publisher, harder to sell books. The good thing about this company is that they do all the marketing. They are a publishing company investing about $26000 in me. So it's worth it, right? Sacrifice a little now so that in 6-8 months I have a published piece of children's literature and book signings, traveling expenses paid by the company, book fairs.
I keep praying. I know the Lord will take care of me and my family and that ultimately it is His will that will be done. He has the plan for my life. So, when my little book gets published, all I ask is that you buy it. In the meantime, I could use some prayers.
If you'd like to buy my first book, you can purchase it here: